Ruggedized Mobile Medical Clinic to Earthquake Ravaged Chincha Alta, Peru

Last week our Guardian Mobile Systems ( - website active soon) business unit shipped one of our super insulated and ruggedized off-road trailer units off to our non-profit partner Gleaning for the World ( for final outfitting bound for Peru.  Dr. John Deaver, founder and president of Siempre Salud/Global Community Health, an international non-profit aid organization seeking to provide community medical relief to the impoverished regions of Chincha Alta, Peru, had some very nice things to say about our product. 

 "You cannot imagine what a difference this will make to us. .... The world needs [these units]. Small charities (and large ones for that matter) need to be very mission focused. I don’t store up for tomorrow, I use what I have today, therefore I don’t ask for more than I need.... I don’t have a vehicle, I rent what I need when I need it. I’m in the healthcare business, not the fleet business. I don’t want the cost of ownership of a vehicle (like I would have with an RV conversion). Your clinic is everything I need and nothing I don’t. I use my money for the mission and only the mission. Financial efficiency is an important consideration for potential donors. The design of the clinic is ingenious for our environment. It is light so we can pull it with trucks we can easily hire and we can get into small crowded places. It is airtight so we can better control the ambient conditions (we constantly battle the “pulvo” or dust). It is efficient because of the two doors with space for two exam tables so I can divide the space and won’t lose the time that patients spend dressing and undressing."

This unit will be active in highly seismic and devastated regions (Mag 8.0 in 2007) and is outfitted with an 8kw generator that can operate off of gasoline, liquid natural gas (which retails locally for half the cost of regular gas) and liquid propane.  It is further equipped with a custom water filtration system that filters at 50um and 0.5um for particulates and Ultra-Violet (UV) light for water-born organisms including cysts, giardia, etc, that can thrive in the local water system.  The tanks will hold 60 gallons and the trailer can provide both Hot & Cold running water suitable for medical work.  This unit is built with 3" thick polyurethane core filled walls with a steel exterior and fiber reinforced plastic interior finish (medical grade) and will be very comfortable in any environment.  An HVAC system will further supplement the super insulated clinic envelope.  Battery power (charged by the generator) will provide adequate 12v lighting - both interior and exterior - for night time safety and non-generator operating times.

As Dr. Deaver notes above this trailer is small enough to be towed by local vehicles already in-theater yet is rugged enough to be towed in the harshest of environments for extended periods of time.  Like all of our towable trailer units - this is not a retro-fit road trailer - it has been custom built for this specific application with a military-grade frame and patent-pending construction for providing a comfortable operating environment under the harshest of conditions.

Our unit should be deployed from Northern Virginia to Peru in May of 2009.  Dr. Deaver is gladly accepting donations for his great work - or I'm sure he'd be glad to hear from you otherwise - and he can be reached at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .